Cellular & Molecular Immunology subscription

journal cover

Cellular & Molecular Immunology

1672-7681 (print)
2042-0226 (electronic)
Editor in Chief:
Cao, Xuetao
Subscription length:
1 Year Subscription with 12 Issues
Access options:
  • Online Only


Cellular & Molecular Immunology is a monthly journal from the Chinese Society of Immunology and the University of Science and Technology of China. Covering both basic immunology research and clinical applications, Cellular & Molecular Immunology provides the latest information and advancements in our understanding of the immunological response of the host, both in vitro and in vivo. As Chinas first English-language immunology journal, Cellular & Molecular Immunology is designed to serve both the Chinese and international communities as a vehicle to rapidly disseminate the latest studies in this field.