Nature Reviews Genetics subscription

journal cover

Nature Reviews Genetics

1471-0056 (print)
1471-0064 (electronic)
Editor in Chief:
Kvist, LInda
Subscription length:
1 Year Subscription with 12 Issues
Access options:
  • Print & Online
  • Online Only


Nature Reviews Genetics is an invaluable source of information in genetics and genomics. The journal’s scope covers the whole breadth of these and related fields, bringing readers cutting-edge Reviews on topics that range from molecular genetics to evolution to systems biology. By publishing Reviews, Progress, Comment, Analysis and Perspective articles, among which are Viewpoints from opinion-leaders, Nature Reviews Genetics provides a balanced and unique perspective of this exciting field which goes well beyond the conventional review, and appeals to students and established scientists alike. All articles are written by carefully chosen leaders in their field and subject to rigorous peer-review, resulting in each issue providing balanced, high-quality and authoritative articles. While experts appreciate the insights and thought-provoking syntheses provided by the high-calibre authors, non-specialists are helped by the glossary definitions, additional background information in the boxes and highlighted references.